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Fall Is Near

By, Kim Corbin

"There it was……staring at me as I walked to my front door. This single little leaf told me, "Fall is coming". My tree typically doesn’t drop leaves until after Halloween. I have a beautiful maple tree that blooms into the most beautiful colors of yellow, red and orange. Fall gives me the fuzzies and I know soon we’ll all be hunkered in during the cold months ahead. I look forward to those days. I didn’t used to but as I got older, I realized there are benefits. Spring and Summer demand our outside attention. Projects inside will wait until the lawn mowing is done and frost glistens on the grass. Fall gives us a time to slow down and cozy up our spaces. Pumpkin spice candles and lattes too. Fireplaces are cleaned, firewood stacked and ready for that first crisp night to light the flame. Our attention comes back inside and our desire for warmth has arrived. I say let it begin! Let me help you with your cozy needs. Maybe it’s a new paint color or accessories that helps give your home a newness that eases you into the coming cold months. Time to remodel the basement for additional space? I would love to help! Fall is coming and I’m ready!"

-Kim 🧡

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